Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Blogmas day 1


So I thought I'd try Blogmas which basically means I'm going to try my best to blog everyday until Christmas. This is probably going to fail but since it's almost midnight, this feels like a great idea. I'm probably gonna regret this in the morning.
So what I'm planning on doing are some Christmas related posts and some about what I did that day. This one is going to be the second one since I went back to school after working for 5 weeks today and it was great.
Our classes didn't start until 12:30 so I got to sleep in which was nice. I went to school about an hour early to eat lunch (cause who doesn't like free food) and catch up with people. It was so nice to see everyone again! And it was kind of weird to be back at school but I liked it.

Morning mirror selfie :P please ignore the mess especially if you're my mom

I was really nervous about the classes we had today because we only had sign language with a deaf teacher without his interpreter. I didn't get to sign a lot at work so I was sure I didn't remember anything anymore but I understood most of the stuff he talked about during the class. I was pretty proud of myself to be honest.
After school I went shopping with my friends. It was the first time we were all actually together after about 7 weeks. I probably bought too much stuff once again. Oh well. One of the things I wanted to go try on was a dress I had spotted on Friday because we have a Christmas party on Saturday and I thought it would also be nice to wear on Christmas Eve. I ended up loving the dress and it was the last of my size so I got it.

So that was my 1st of December. Couldn't have started this month better.

See you soon!


Unknown said...

awh I am so glad you have decided to do blogmas to! I can't wait to read the rest of you posts, plus that dress is really pretty and suits you so much :) xo

Susanna said...

Yay I can't wait to read rest of your posts either! :D and thank you :3