Monday, July 28, 2014

The first time tag


So since I never did the introduction post and Shannan tagged me to do the First Time Tag on my blog, I thought this might be a nice way to learn few things about me :D

The rules:
-You must share the firsts given in the list below and show the story behind them.
-Then tag as many people as you want.
-No tag backs. 

First Best Friend
Well me and my current best friend have know each other basically our whole lives so I'd say it's been her for the past (almost) 21 years :D

First Kiss
Yeaaaahhh... Let me get back to you on that one

First Concert
I think my first proper concert was a Jonas Brothers concert I went to in Dallas, Texas. It was on my 16th birthday and I will probably never forget it. I was SO obsessed with the Jonas Brothers back then and I got to go with some amazing people.

First Celebrity Crush
I honestly think Nick Jonas was my first proper celebrity crush. Or maybe it was Zac Efron, who knows.

First Word
I had to ask my mom and ended up finding a book where she had wrote down my childhood firsts and like achievements (like when I learned to walk, when I got my first tooth etc...). Apparently my first word has been "kakka" which translates to "poo". How lovely. 

First Pet
We used to have a hamster called Puppe. He lived for almost 3 years which is pretty long for a hamster. He also climbed up and down the railing on his cage which was really weird.

First Job
My first summer job was in a factory where my dad works. I cleaned their whole file room and went through all the files from the last like 20 years. 

First Phone
I think I got my first phone right after 4th grade. It was a Nokia 3510i and I thought it was soooo cool because it had a colored screen! 

First Tweet
I actually just looked it up and it was something about the Jonas Brothers. Me? Obsessed? noooo

First Makeup
We have this dance for the 4th graders near our independence day and I remember my mom buying me my first lipgloss from H&M for that dance. I also remember keeping that lipgloss for like 5 years just because it was my first one.

I tag Christine and Laura to do this.

See you soon!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

"Soon you will be translating the news on TV"


And no, I won't be translating the news on TV. People get really confused with what I'm about to go study and what I will be after I'm done with school, even my mom seemed to have no idea. So I thought I would clear things up a little bit and explain what I will be studying for the next 3 years.


The title in Finnish is "viittomakielen ohjaaja" which translates to sign language instructor. So no, I won't be a interpreter. They are two different careers and you study them in different schools. For example, if I wanted to be a sign language interpreter and somehow got into a school to study for it, I'd probably stay in Helsinki but I don't. I'm very interested in sign language but I never saw myself as a interpreter.

What is this sign language instructor then? Well, obviously I'm still not fully aware as I'm not in the school but I will try to explain it as well as I can. I'll correct myself if I'm wrong about anything in the future :D

A sign language instructor can work with kids, elders and basically anyone between. The work in educational and assistance assignments in places like schools, day cares, camps, service homes, courses, morning and afternoon activities for schoolchildren... You get the point. A sign language instructor can also be a personal assistant.

Sign language instructors can instruct and assist deaf people, those with visual or hearing impairments or both, deaf-blind people and developmentally handicapped clients as well as clients with specific language impairments. Because of this they're not only familiar with Finnish sign language but also sign-based communication methods (like signed speech, sign supported speech or signing key words),
augmentative and alternative communication methods (like gestures, pictures, drawings and objects), and plain spoken language.


So I hope that cleared up things a little bit!
See you soon!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Apartment news!


I GOT AN APARTMENT!! Aaaahh this is so exciting! On Sunday night, I sent out few apartment applications and posted a thing on a website saying I'm looking for an apartment from Rovaniemi and I got about 8 offerings. 2 of them stood out the most and one of my relatives from Rovaniemi was nice enough to go check the apartments. There was one that was closer to my school and looked nicer in general so we picked that one. I've been in contact with the landlord and now I just need to sign the lease and I'm basically ready to move in.

The move in day is on the 10th of August which is much later than I wanted it to be but no can do. At least I won't have to stay with relatives for a week and THEN move in. It looks like I have to do my back to school shopping in Helsinki which is kind of nice since we have more stores here and maybe I can get a friend to go with me.

I do have pictures of the apartment but I don't really feel comfortable with showing them here as there is still another person living in the apartment and I wouldn't want someone come take pictures of my place and publish them without my permission. I'm sure you'll get a lot of pics when I'm moved in :D

I'm just glad I have one less thing to stress about. Now we just need to figure out if I'm getting a whole new set of furniture in Rovaniemi or if we're renting a van to take my stuff there. Either way, I still have a lot of stuff to pack and a lot of friends to see before the 10th.

See you soon!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Flamingo shirt and overalls


So today I met up with my friend Laura. This was probably the last time we'll see each other before my move and that made me kinda sad. Almost every time we hang out, we go take pictures and today was no different. We drove around, had a picnic and I bought us Chinese food at the end of the day. I had so much fun and it made me forget the apartment hunting stress that I've been dealing with. I did get a pretty good apartment offer today tho so keep your fingers crossed for me, please?

I had a photography blog before but I thought I'd just move everything here and make it easier. So here's some of the pictures we took:

See you soon!
P.S. I really need to find a good layout for my blog so I'm probably gonna keep playing with these for a while, sorry.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Home haul


I went to see The Fault In Our Stars with my mom today and since we were in the city central, we decided to stop by couple of stores. I wasn't really sure if I would find anything but I ended up getting few things for my new place (you know, when I can actually find a place to stay at) so I thought I'd do a little haul here.

First of all, I got couple of cutting boards because they were pretty cheap and I don't have cutting boards yet. I also found a pretty folder and I just had to get it. I have a drawer overflowing with different important and not so important papers so I thought maybe I can organize them in that as I go through them.

The other store we went to had a bunch of stuff on sale. I wanted to buy so many things but ended up controlling myself and getting just few things. I got couple of oven mitts and bowls for cereal etc.

I also found a bunch of Moomin stuff on sale but I think the only useful ones for me right now were the containers. I was actually surprised how cheap these were.

The only thing I got "for fun" was this canvas with a quote on it. I spotted it from pretty far away and instantly fell in love. I really want to put this in a bathroom or somewhere near a mirror for some reason. But I guess we'll see where it ends up when I move out :D

I was supposed to go ride a hot air balloon with my work mates today but the weather isn't the greatest so it got cancelled. For the 3rd time. I guess I'm just gonna go look for fun diy:s on pinterest then.

See you soon!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Mail mail mail


So I got some interesting stuff in the mail today and thought I'd share them with you guys.

First of all, I got my July Livbox (which is a subscription service where you get a box full of beauty products every month). It wasn't my favorite box but it had some pretty cool products in it.

Here's what my July box included:
CK One Red- for Him and for Her perfume samples that I forgot to include in the picture
Rich- Pure Luxury Intense Moisture Shampoo
Rich- Pure Luxury Rejuvenating Argan Oil Elixir I love love love hair oils so I'm super excited to try this one out
Dermosil- Summer Glow Nail Polish I might have to paint my nails today. The color is soooo pretty!
Favora- Sun Lotion for Sensitive Skin if only I left my room
Invisibobble I'll use this if I decide to grow my hair out again
Terre d'Oc- Shea Body Butter this was for long time subscribers. You can never have too many body butters/lotions, right?

The other thing that arrived is something I was super excited about. I'm starting school again which means essays, exams, homework, projects and a lot of other stuff that I need to remember. And if you know me at all, you know my memory is AWFUL. Because of my horrible ability to remember things, I have carried a calendar/planner with me everywhere since 7th grade, I think. I probably couldn't live without one during a school year. This year I decided to customize one and it turned out amazing.

This is how it arrived in the box.

I really wanted to use some of my Playlist Live pictures on the cover designs so I came up with a idea of putting together inspirational and happy quotes on a collage. The quotes on the pictures from Playlist have either been said by the person or is somehow related to them.

 I love this quote and it kind of fits since I will be recording a year of my life in this calendar

You can also pick the design inside your calendar and I obviously went with pink. I decided to go with English as the language as I use it daily and I even think in English. I also included a "list of the week" because I love making lists, "idea of the week" where I'm probably going to write down video or blog post ideas, and "to do this week" because I love to do lists. There is also a little space for notes for the week.

The end of the calendar has some empty pages where you can select different kind of things. I went with lined and blank pages and sudokus! I love solving sudokus and it's taking my everything not to start solving these yet. I'm going to wait until school starts.

Well, this ended up being longer than I expected. I really don't have anything to update about the move unless you count the fact that I got 4 new boxes to pack more stuff in. I might have to start working on my huge candle collection next.

See you soon!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

A fresh start

Do I start this with a "hi"? I don't know.

A new chapter is starting in my life and in honor of that, I thought I'd start a blog. I'm about to take the big step and move out from my parents' house but the thing is that I'm not moving anywhere near, I'm basically moving across the country. It's both VERY scary and exciting and I thought keeping a blog might be a good way to write about my feelings during and after the move. 

I currently live in Helsinki, Finland and never thought I'd be able to live in Northern Finland so we can only see how this goes. Why am I moving there is because I got accepted to my 1st school choice to go study sign language, something I've been interested in since I was 9 years old. 

I still haven't heard back from any of the apartments I've applied for and I'm trying to move out in less than a month as school starts on the 11th. I have started packing already though.  

A tower of boxes full of kitchen supplies

I have kind of a big collection of beauty products, oops

I also thought I'd take few pictures of my room before everything's packed up. It's currently kind of a mess since I'm going through my stuff and slowly packing. I'll try to remember to take few pictures before I leave and show the difference.

Okay, I think that's all for this first post. I thought about doing a proper introduction on the next post and I'll obviously keep you guys updated on my packing and moving process.

See you soon!