Monday, March 23, 2015

The emoji challenge


So Troye Sivan made a video , the emoji challenge, few weeks ago that inspired me to write this post. The challenge is to describe yourself in five emojis and explain why you picked them so here are mine:

I chose the little, blushing smiley face because I love smiling and I love it when other people smile. I think I'm a pretty positive person most of the time. That is also one of the smiley emojis I use the most.

I chose the camera emoji because I LOVE taking pictures. No matter if it's with my fancy DSLR or my phone camera, if it's a picture of a pretty view or a selfie, snapping pictures of things and people is what makes me happy.

I always have some music playing and most of the time from my headphones. Music just makes me really happy or sometimes gives me energy to do different things. Also it keeps me company when otherwise my apartment would be dead silent.

This was the closest emoji that I felt like represented sign language. And I love sign language which is obviously why I study it. It's something that I've been interested in since I was about 9 and now actually knowing the language a bit, it's absolutely one of my favorite languages.

I had to pick the lipstick emoji because I basically can't leave the house with some color on my lips. The brighter, the better :P I can't even keep count these days of how many lip products I actually own.

See you soon!

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