Friday, July 11, 2014

Mail mail mail


So I got some interesting stuff in the mail today and thought I'd share them with you guys.

First of all, I got my July Livbox (which is a subscription service where you get a box full of beauty products every month). It wasn't my favorite box but it had some pretty cool products in it.

Here's what my July box included:
CK One Red- for Him and for Her perfume samples that I forgot to include in the picture
Rich- Pure Luxury Intense Moisture Shampoo
Rich- Pure Luxury Rejuvenating Argan Oil Elixir I love love love hair oils so I'm super excited to try this one out
Dermosil- Summer Glow Nail Polish I might have to paint my nails today. The color is soooo pretty!
Favora- Sun Lotion for Sensitive Skin if only I left my room
Invisibobble I'll use this if I decide to grow my hair out again
Terre d'Oc- Shea Body Butter this was for long time subscribers. You can never have too many body butters/lotions, right?

The other thing that arrived is something I was super excited about. I'm starting school again which means essays, exams, homework, projects and a lot of other stuff that I need to remember. And if you know me at all, you know my memory is AWFUL. Because of my horrible ability to remember things, I have carried a calendar/planner with me everywhere since 7th grade, I think. I probably couldn't live without one during a school year. This year I decided to customize one and it turned out amazing.

This is how it arrived in the box.

I really wanted to use some of my Playlist Live pictures on the cover designs so I came up with a idea of putting together inspirational and happy quotes on a collage. The quotes on the pictures from Playlist have either been said by the person or is somehow related to them.

 I love this quote and it kind of fits since I will be recording a year of my life in this calendar

You can also pick the design inside your calendar and I obviously went with pink. I decided to go with English as the language as I use it daily and I even think in English. I also included a "list of the week" because I love making lists, "idea of the week" where I'm probably going to write down video or blog post ideas, and "to do this week" because I love to do lists. There is also a little space for notes for the week.

The end of the calendar has some empty pages where you can select different kind of things. I went with lined and blank pages and sudokus! I love solving sudokus and it's taking my everything not to start solving these yet. I'm going to wait until school starts.

Well, this ended up being longer than I expected. I really don't have anything to update about the move unless you count the fact that I got 4 new boxes to pack more stuff in. I might have to start working on my huge candle collection next.

See you soon!


katie said...

I love the calendar! Where did you order it from? I'd love to make one myself

Katie xoxo

Susanna said...

I got it from (: