I haven't really done a school related post in a while so here's one. When I was applying here, I went through every blog post I found about this education so maybe someday in the future someone will find this as helpful as I found those blog posts a year ago.
For someone like me, who learns by doing things and is a pretty visual person, this education is just perfect. First of all, I've always loved languages but I've never been really good at them so actually understanding sign language and thinking it's pretty easy is really awesome for me. It's definitely my favorite subject in school, unless it's the last class of the day in the classroom we spend most of our days that has some problems. But I don't ONLY study sign language, this school is so much more. We might have a whole day of boring-ish lectures once in a while but we also do A LOT of group projects and presentations (things that terrified me before), play different games and recently we've had classes on how to instruct music, art, craft, sport sessions where we actually got to do a lot of different things. We learn a lot about instructing, the deaf culture and services that might be useful in our future jobs.
Some famous deaf people
I got a 3- on our 2nd sign language exam. I was pretty proud of myself tbh :P
Something I drew on our recent group project :3
3 pictures above are from art/crafts instructing class
We learned about noise in music instructing class.
This blog post was supposed to be much longer but I've tried to write this all week and couldn't come up with more for some reason so I'm not going to force any more text out :D Maybe I'll write another one later. Now I'm off for my winter break that I'm spending in Helsinki :)
See you soon!