So since I never did the introduction post and Shannan tagged me to do the First Time Tag on my blog, I thought this might be a nice way to learn few things about me :D
The rules:
So since I never did the introduction post and Shannan tagged me to do the First Time Tag on my blog, I thought this might be a nice way to learn few things about me :D
The rules:
-You must share the firsts given in the list below and show the story behind them.
-Then tag as many people as you want.
-No tag backs.
First Best Friend
Well me and my current best friend have know each other basically our whole lives so I'd say it's been her for the past (almost) 21 years :D
First Kiss
Yeaaaahhh... Let me get back to you on that one
First Concert
I think my first proper concert was a Jonas Brothers concert I went to in Dallas, Texas. It was on my 16th birthday and I will probably never forget it. I was SO obsessed with the Jonas Brothers back then and I got to go with some amazing people.
First Celebrity Crush
I honestly think Nick Jonas was my first proper celebrity crush. Or maybe it was Zac Efron, who knows.
First Word
I had to ask my mom and ended up finding a book where she had wrote down my childhood firsts and like achievements (like when I learned to walk, when I got my first tooth etc...). Apparently my first word has been "kakka" which translates to "poo". How lovely.
First Pet
We used to have a hamster called Puppe. He lived for almost 3 years which is pretty long for a hamster. He also climbed up and down the railing on his cage which was really weird.
First Job
My first summer job was in a factory where my dad works. I cleaned their whole file room and went through all the files from the last like 20 years.
First Phone
I think I got my first phone right after 4th grade. It was a Nokia 3510i and I thought it was soooo cool because it had a colored screen!
First Tweet
I actually just looked it up and it was something about the Jonas Brothers. Me? Obsessed? noooo
First Makeup